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Sam Wayne

iOS Developer

About Me

I am an iOS Developer from Los Angeles, California. I am driven and complete goals and tasks at hand without any outside force. If there's someone relying on me, it adds to my motivation. I am very level headed, and can easily juggle many tasks at any given time.

On a Friday night I can typically be found either expanding my knowledge of swift, hanging out with friends, playing with my rescue dogs, or de-stressing with a casual game.

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Group projects

About the app

Wrk.out is a workout tracking app which was built in collaboration with iOS Developers from DevMountain. With wrk.out you can browse exercises and get a quick description by clicking on them. With these exercises, you can create different routines for different purposes, such as leg exercises. When you start your workout, it starts a timer to log how long you've exercised for. You can add routines, or individual exercises and different reps/weights for each exercise. This all gets logged to your profile, so you can see past workouts and any potential progress you've made.


Tech process

Because everyone has different strengths, our group delegated problems within, and met daily to converse our progress. We started by researching different tech stacks that would supplement the app, as well as the best, most convenient database to use. We decided on CloudKit for its ease of use for apple users which that was built for. After that concluded, I worked on API calls for pulling exercises and passing them through protocols and delegates. 


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Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 8 - 2018-
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About the app

Jobbie is an app for finding small local jobs within your community. It was built in collaboration with fellow iOS developers, and UX/UI designers from DevMountain. Since we had a short time for a full fledged app (3 weeks), we had to constantly communicate with the designers on what was possible in the time frame. The app is user driven, with users posting jobs, applying to jobs, hiring applicants all within the app.

Tech process

I was tasked with managing the database. We decided on using Firestore, since it was the newest technology around for databases to our knowledge, and Google was pushing for its success heavily. Since we need to constantly fetch users and jobs, I decided to use generics to shorten the amount of different fetch functions required, and it makes for easier calls as well. Each model would conform to a protocol, which states the UUID, and the collection name it references in Firestore. Using protocols and generics, it shortens the fetch functions required greatly. I went through the process of submitting to TestFlight at different stages of the app, and submitting to the app store. Initially, we were denied for not implementing blocking and reporting of users, so I then implemented that functionality into the app. 

Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 8 Plus -
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